
WordCamp Miami (like all WordCamps) is 100% run by volunteers. Without your support this event would never happen. WCMIA needs your help, and we are always open to new ways of trying to make things easier on those that step up.

What We Are Looking For Right Now

A list of current identified needs is below. Clicking the link will take you to a page with additional details and a way to express interest. If you have questions, use our contact form or Slack channel to reach out to WCMIA organizers.

Updated As Of: February 7, 2019

Volunteer Information

Being a volunteer is a great way of giving back to the WordPress community and a chance a lot of great people that normally you might not have had a chance to talk to.

  • We usually try to break most volunteer requests into (1) before the event (2) during the event. Either way we try to ask only for a few hours of help from our volunteers. During the event would mean it’s preferred for volunteers to be generally available March 15th-17th, 2019. March 16th is our busiest day and usually when we need the most help – even if you’re needed only briefly. If you are not available during one of those days, please let us know in advance.
  • On the signup form, please pick something you would be interested in volunteering in but keep in mind we might not pick you for this. So pick multiple things.
  • DURING the event what we usually need the most help in:
    • Setting Up
    • Registration
    • Room “MCs” (keeping speakers on time)
    • Crowd control during key times
    • Helping with food
    • Cleaning Up
  • You must check-in on the day of the event(s) with your volunteer coordinator(s). More information will be in the emails we’ll be sending to approved volunteers.
  • Volunteers adhere to our code of conduct.
  • You will get an official email from WordCamp Miami Team when you have been selected. Don’t show up on the day of the event saying you are a volunteer… we won’t have the special name badge for you!

For general inquiries about volunteering or providing a volunteer service, please contact us here instead.